Apologies for the short entries lately, but our connectivity has been haphazard and just for brief periods ’cause we’ve been on the move so much. JCB did find a good connection yesterday from over in Sault Ste. Canada, which made him quite happy. Today is a grocery day, so we’re using Newberry linkups.
Yesterday was a lovely day, spent here and there with Anne (including avoiding fast-swimming full-grown leeches in our lake), then with Anne and Fran (aka The Commander)—lots of laughing, reminiscing, and fine story-telling.
Today has been a whirlwind of cleaning, especially spider-web removal from the exterior of the cottage by jcb. I got to breathe Lime-Away fumes, the payoff being sparkling clean taps and sinks.
Tomorrow is another big day, as we await the arrival of The Kelley and The Fred-man from points east—way over by the NY/Mass line, a two-day drive. When they get here, we’ll open the wine and stroll the beach to get sand between our toes!, and then ???
Regarding the lupine, most are in seed across the orchard, but a few late specimens are still coming into bloom. I understand they’re wild in these parts, but I always think of them as among the escaped species that populate this farm (including hollyhocks, sweet peas, and something that looks like bachelor buttons).