Winter → spring (today)

Light lavender winter spring crocus

Lovely light lavender croci.

Meteorologists predicted 72°F*. Our thermometer showed a high of 74°F—in the shade. We strolled over to the BotGarden and checked out the displays. The night-lightshow hardware is partly disassembled. This is balanced by…croci! daffodils! camellias!

* Average high today for this location: 52°F. Sheesh. But nice to get out in!


  1. Sherry says:

    We lost most of our snow on our mini warm uo but getting back to frozen conditions again. I wish this were March!

  2. Sherry says:

    Um, “up” instead of uo. My finger slipped!

  3. Pooh says:

    Yesterday it was in the 50’s, but today and all of next week are going to be in the 30’s.
    –Your St. Louis reporter