Oddly enough, we have an archive of over 41K digital photos, but none have been taken on a 30 Nov. Cool thing about dahlias: they’re native to the New World. This photo’s from fall several years back…in Seattle.
For today’s major out-of-the-house activity we visited our friend T (aka E), and John gave her computer lessons. While we were there, she got a call from Bill. Yeah, Bill Clinton*! Then, about fifteen minutes later: another call. This time: Michelle Obama*. Wheww!
Here, we only have heard from Max Cleland*. Max is great, but whew! Bill! Michelle!
All of this is to say: you GA people: vote in the run-off on Tuesday!
* Okay, okay, robo-calls….
30 November 2008 at 8:18 pm
Jay says:
What – nothing from Sarah Palin? I heard she was going to go south to help campaign.
1 December 2008 at 12:38 am
Pooh says:
I thought she already helped the campaign go South!
Snark, snark, snark.
1 December 2008 at 7:14 am
kayak woman says:
I hadn’t even thought of that method for finding a picture of the day.
1 December 2008 at 9:22 am
Sammy says:
Oh, yeah, Palin has three stops scheduled. Local snarks will chronicle whether she speaks any complete sentences without a teleprompter.
As to pictures, well, sometimes the crop of the day don’t cut it.