From March 2008. Although it’s overcast, the birds perch on the Butter Jesus’s right hand.
Lemme note that some motor around here sounds like a vuvuzela (typically B♭, WikiPee says, but my ears don’t know enough to determine if this droning noise—a saw perhaps?—also is).
Shocking news (via nn.com): the Butter Jesus has melted. Lightning.
And they’re having an ongoing “aftershock sequence” in SoCal/NW Mex.
And this all means…?
15 June 2010 at 10:52 am
kayak woman says:
Um, why do you guys call it the “butter” Jesus? Or should I read nn.c?
Also, I read/heard somewhere once that alligators respond to b-flat. Some guy had some in his basement and his wife’s sewing machine ran at b-flat and that would get the alligators riled up or whatever.
15 June 2010 at 11:13 am
Sammy says:
So, you’re saying that’s an alligator call out there? Hot enough to have ’gators around here! Oh, the butter part refers to the off-white color. Singer-songwriter Heywood Banks named a song “Big Butter Jesus” about this statue, which lead the name to go viral.
15 June 2010 at 8:21 pm
kayak woman says:
LOVE those power lines in the background!
15 June 2010 at 11:03 pm
Robert & Mary Jo says:
With all the power lines around, it’s interesting that Butter Jesus is what was hit by lightning!
17 June 2010 at 3:15 pm
Leslie says:
It’s called “butter Jesus” (or was) because of the annual butter sculptures at the Ohio State Fair, which are the same color (and there is some stylistic similarity…or was). 🙂