Veggie pasta (plus)

Thai basil sesame noodles spicy

I used our volunteer Thai basil in a bastardized version of sesame noodles, cobbled together from five different recipes and not exactly like any of them. Straight sesame—no peanut butter…. Spicier than usual out of my kitchen. Yum. (Needed a bit more sugar, I’m think, though, to balance, though it was pretty close to perfect. Didn’t measure, so no recipe possible….)

One comment

  1. kayak woman says:

    I had a convo with a sister-in-law a while back in which I advocated that recipes with exact measures are only necessarily for certain things. Like cakes. Spaghetti / lasagne sauce, not so much (for example). Need to make some sesame noodles soon. It’s been too long.