My latest mystery

In my admittedly sketchy attempt to obtain and retain Upper Great Lakes headlines, I vaguely recollect a story or mention of cruise ships, perhaps looping from Chicago to Mackinaw Island and back, something like that. So I shouldn’t have been surprised to see this towering maritime vessel, but I sure was. It was anchored just off the mouth of the Manistique River, and thus offshore of the celebrated city of Manistique. I’m pretty sure that orange central vessel was transporting cruisers…but what did they come ashore to do? Shop Main Street? Visit the Thompson Fish Hatchery? Wander the aisles of the hardware store (as we occasionally do)? What?


  1. kayak woman says:

    Do you have the marine traffic app? It wouldn’t tell you what the passengers were doing ashore but it would tell you which cruise ship it is. It isn’t a free app, maybe a few dollars?

  2. Pooh says:

    My guess would be the Octantis, an “expedition” cruise ship run by Viking Cruise Lines. When not touring Antartica, they cruise the Great Lakes. We saw it when we were at the cabin in May. It was locking upbound when we were having lunch at the Lockview. We grabbed a picture of it upbound and the Soo Locks Tour Boat downbound in the locks. We beat it back to the cabin, and took pictures of it coming out from behind Cedar Point. Check out Mark’s blog. It was sometime between May 14 and May 27.