The genesis of this web site lies in inspiration I’ve garnered from my husband, number one, some friends, and a few strangers.
My origins lie in these two people on the beach at Manistique Lake, Michigan. That’s in the corner of Luce County. Look for the biting insects. It’s not far from Seney, where Nick Adams got off the train to go fishing on the Two-Hearted River. It even kinda works like that in real life!
My husband’s been on top of the web since its early days. Indeed, he’s the one who wrassled the code that interfaces with WordPress, the program I use to do my input, and makes this site look so fine. Click here to check out his blog.
I also read Anne’s blog every day (if I can). We met aeons ago when we were at Michigan State. She began her blog to keep the family informed on what disparate parts of it were up to. Click here to visit the Finlayson and Courtois clans, and their conjunction with Anne’s creative mind.
Nancy Nall’s page regularly inspires people. I keep reminding myself that Nancy has a head start on the rest of us, having honed her already formidable skills with a long-time (and now long-gone, given the ways of newspaper management these days) day job as a columnist. Oh, if I could write that smoothly….
Just the other day, right before I tried to get iWeb to generate a web page I could love, I encountered an anthropologist’s blog that to me had all the hallmarks of a good academic mind dump. Don’t know the guy, but kudos to John Hawks, at the University of Wisconsin Madison.