We found this while out in the spot of sunshine we had for an hour or so this afternoon, foraging for photos. It’s not a redbud, but what is it?
Some kind of ornamental shrub, probably from Asia?
Thursday, 23 February 2006
We found this while out in the spot of sunshine we had for an hour or so this afternoon, foraging for photos. It’s not a redbud, but what is it?
Some kind of ornamental shrub, probably from Asia?
27 February 2006 at 10:51 pm
Maureen says:
Wasting more time…it’s quince, I think. We had it in Ashland, loads of it, a great harbinger of spring. Always brightened my late Feb/early March, gave me hope that warmer weather was a’coming. My friend Angela, a landscaper, called it quince, which I think, if not native, was brought over in late 18th c., popular in mid-19th c. Its fruit is edible, though I never tried it. Birds like it, though. Forsythia can’t be far behind…
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