Stomach Steinway*

Bigfoot was here! And now Bigfoot is gone!

Sad morning. After three raucous, fun-filled days together, we waved goodbye to Robert and Mary Jo, and their home, Bigfoot, as they headed north to Chicago. Not only will I miss all the laughing good-times, but also the wrinkle that Robert added to end our “heated” midday walks—a stop at George’s, on Highland just north of Virginia (closest to a link that I could find), to sip a cold brew and tall glass of H-two-oh in the quiet darkness of the back of the bar….

* Great image, no?—I borrow today’s “headline” from Bob Hope in Road to Utopia (1946), although I’m sure that line didn’t originate the term. What did he mean? Oh, a squeezebox, an accordion!

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