No “ack�?

I haven’t been to the Island since the digital revolution lead me to replace my camera, so the best I can do is this.

“Last time we went on a family vacation I had to spend five days on an island in northern Michigan with no transportation on it except for horses, and the main attraction was fudge,” she said. This from a NY Times story.

I know where that is!

For those of you from Elsewhere, the topic here is Mackinac Island (say mack-in-aww). And if you live south of the bridge, because of the fudge-culture that’s grown up around the bridge (that is, the Mackinac Bridge), you are a Fudgie. And probably a Tourist to boot!


  1. Momster says:

    um, I thought that those of us who came from “below the bridge” were actually Trolls….

  2. Sammy says:

    So Fudgies are merely tourists? See how quickly they forget! Old age and all that!

  3. kayak woman says:

    Just beware. If you encounter any feisty, old, octogenarian women who happen to live in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, do not even think about calling them “Yoopers.” Or making sappy statements about how bridges connect people.