Most Mesoamericanists recognize that households in more or less complex societies provision themselves through a variety of acquisitive acts, including trading and bartering, marketing, reciprocal gifting, redistributive exchanging, and various kinds of resource sharing, all at the same time…
Is your household more like this, or less?
16 February 2007 at 11:53 pm
Jay says:
I don’t know how all of the stuff got into our house – I think it seeps through the cracks and comes in the night. There is no way we could possibly have purchased all of this stuff.
17 February 2007 at 9:08 am
Sammy says:
Are the culprits kids and dogs?
17 February 2007 at 10:59 pm
Jay says:
No dogs, but a few cats here and there. Rats tried to move in, but they did get evicted. I’d say kids are probably the biggest reason, and since Carl keeps taking care of them it is hard to get rid of it all. And then there is Carl – the biggest kid.
18 February 2007 at 8:53 am
mouse's moom says:
Amazingly enough, it seems like it’s worse after the kids are gone. How that can be, I do not know.
Making little slivers of progress though. Finally.
18 February 2007 at 10:58 am
Sammy says:
I always mentally think “kids and dogs” when I encounter weird features in archaeologcial excavations; hard to predict what disruptions they might make across a village or in a household compound, that we then see in the soil centuries (or less) later….