Random surfer

Mershon Hall presides over construction of the long-debated parking facility….

Construction continues on many non-residential projects here in ATL, including the parking garage at the Atlanta Botanical Garden (watch out for cutesy noises)—and for use by Piedmont Park-goers….

Yet, where I started was another entry….

The other entry…

Professors Rosvall and Bergstrom have examined citation patterns in >6K journals to illustrate information flows in a real system in an article in the 29 Jan issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (article free for download via the link). Sadly, no node developed for the field of anthropology. I say sadly because I’m sure that anthropological topics and theory were touched on (or perhaps even central) in articles published in many other fields (e.g., economics, political science, geography, marketing, some medical issues, and of course agriculture, ecology, and (duh!) evolution.

Maybe it’s a misperception on my part, but academic and professional pushiness tend not to be central to the personalities of most anthropologists. The fallout is not insignificant, yet I suppose rather predictable.

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