Our Blue-tarp Bat-room

And the floor isn’t safe, either, at least off in the distance….

This is the current view from the master bedroom into the (former) master bath. That’s the edge of the sink in the front left corner, and you can see a peek of the soaking tub beyond the low knee wall (mostly intact). Then, it’s some version of the wild blue yonder where the doorway into the throne/shower area was.

We’re informed that the brown tarp is thicker, and covers lower areas with sharper pokey-uppy-things, with the thinner blue tarps in the upper areas, all of it layered like shingles.

Rain’s headed our way from Alabama if I read the weather maps correctly. So, soon this temporary buffering between outdoors and indoors will be tested.

I particularly like the (accidental, happenstance—really!) juxtaposition of the toothbrush cup and the vagrant oak leaf on the counter by the sink….


  1. Maureen says:

    at least the (what I think is) stained glass window is intact on the right. Either happenstance or someone knew what they were doing re: structurally when it was put in. I seem to remember this was a wedding gift perhaps, but it’s been almost 5 years since we stood there (!) and so I may be wrong.

  2. Sammy says:

    Yes, it’s a stained glass window. Not a wedding present, but the most complex of the three windows we had Atlanta stained glass artist Pat Vloeberghs make—cost/effort are linked to the number of pieces. We thought it had been installed to just pop out, but no, it’s well-caulked. So, for now, it’s safe there. A second piece she made is a round window in our bedroom far from the destruction—design is moon and shooting star. Third piece was commercial beveled glass pieced square in the shower—which I figured was a goner because it was right under the trunk of the tree. BUT, it’s intact, set aside safely, and awaiting reinstallation in the new shower! We have been so lucky with all this!

    The kicker: we had the three windows made to mark our return to the house after the (first) tree crushed our house in 1991!