Old crappy snapshots tend to fade (love the contrast of the permanence of digital photos!), and this one is rather exceptional in that regard. It was probably printed at Ye Olde Drugstore, or somewhere similarly less than sterling.
I find the frame especially endearing. I don’t know where the frame came from, but Mom put this photo of her mom in it. Grandma loved blue (or was it pink?—actually, maybe it was pink!), so I’m sure she would have liked it. All the flowers are made with little pieces of glass*; I forget what the technique is called. Hmm. Maybe Grandma herself got the frame in Europe, perhaps Italy (it’s small, maybe 2 x 3.5 inches). I’ll have to ask Mom next time I’m with her.
* Are the glass pieces tesserae as on the piece we saw last year at the Corning Museum? Does that make the frame decoration a mosaic or micromosaic?