I’m convinced maintenance chores are unending. The best you can hope for is that you get to the point where almost all of the big ones are taken care of, and many of the little ones, too. Then you can slack off for a bit. More than likely, Fate soon will intervene and your list will lengthen once again….
Chores etc.
Friday, 10 October 2008
11 October 2008 at 10:39 am
pooh says:
When I took French in HS, I noticed that ‘maintenant’, the french word for ‘now’, is very close to ‘maintenance’. A quick check in the dictionary reveals that ‘maintain’ comes from OE from OF from ML and literally means ‘hold in hand’ as ‘main’ is ‘hand’ in French, and ‘tener’ is ‘to hold’.
As an aside, ‘lieutenant’ means ‘place holder’.
So yes, maintenance chores are now and forever.
11 October 2008 at 11:04 am
Mary Jo & Robert says:
Maintenance, the reason we don’t have a house! Yet we find ourselves doing maintenance chores on our neighbors houses (in return for fabulous meals and unlimited drinks!). On another note, we went camping east of town on Thurs. and got three inches of snow and ice. We wimped out after 23 hours and came home. Now we can work on those maintenance chores!
11 October 2008 at 8:04 pm
Sammy says:
Ah, yes, maintenance awaits, near-eternally, calculating our next moves, so as to effectively stalk us….