No lie. It’s still raining.
And the creeks are rising.
The neighbor is a Real Plant Person, and has a rain gauge, which seems to be a material culture marker of Real Plant People in this society.
She reported this evening, while the precip was still coming down, that as of maybe about 6 pm, we, here in this neighborhood, have gotten over 14 inches of rain since this weather pattern set in almost a week ago.
It is no wonder there is flooding—and the kind of dramatic flooding that makes the national evening network news….
Another neighbor, whose house is at the bottom of the swoop of our short street (high on the ends, lower in the middle), said that in twenty years she had never seen water swirling down the storm drains so high.
* If it were not so wet out, this is how far along the poke berries are, but this picture is from this day several years back.