Low light means graininess reigns.
I just had to escape the bleak grey-ness of the last two posts. Not only my mood, but the gorgeous colors in the dawn sky demanded it!
…Plus I’m wearing the over-exposed Party Skirt—which is new to this immediate geographic locale.
26 February 2012 at 9:13 am
kayak woman says:
We apparently had a spectacular sunrise too but I didn’t see it. Grinch called from 6-mile road to report a “spotlight” effect. I think it was a sort of “light column” or something. Anyway I was in the *bathroom* and by the time I got outside it was gone. Plus, buildings probably blocked the view.
26 February 2012 at 9:35 am
Sammy says:
Sunrises are super-ephemera! Super in a buncha ways….