

Glacial erratic (taller than The Guru). I think.

Architectural remnant. I think it was the entry to an otherwise destroyed building, slightly modified to have four irregular sides…somewhat like a mini-chapel.

Light opera

Sorry if you think this post is about music. The light is the opera, here…. Pre-sunrise, on the way to the point.

The sun’s coming!

Ah, there’s the rise!

Looking back. Note the orange cast on the foam by the tiny, new island.

This is mid-day, looking south from the grove.

The cottage is oddly keystoned…so, keystone kottage?

We don’t cross the bridge this time of day, and so miss this every time—almost sunset.

And, from the first rest area south of the bridge.

Do you forgive me the title?


Sunglow and shorefoam.

The ridge patterns that the waves make on the bottom…two zones are at right angles…never noticed that before so close together, almost intermeshed…seems so unlikely.

Yesterday, we watched a busy pileated pit this stump in two places. This is the larger, deeper excavation. Fueling up for winter, surely….

The moon! The stars!

What a clear night to watch the moon, a bit blown out and enhanced by my phone’s algorithms.

Not Atlantis

There’s a bit of politics behind it, but the lake levels are dropping (by removing boards in the dam) to prepare for the ice season followed by the spring melt.

Just off our beach, odd bits of sandbars are surfacing, like this island(let). I was spellbound by the diamond pattern generated by the wave series coming from different directions on the far side of the emerging landform.

Perhaps riffles are technically only created by interruptions in flowing water, like creeks and rivers, but I keep thinking of this as a riffle.

Weather vagaries

See those menacing clouds just above the horizon? They are down at the Lake Michigan shore. We heard that the rain they produced came down hard and sideways. Here: nothing, not a drop.

Stars n sunrise

We were out last night hoping to bask in the northern lights. Since I turn into a pumpkin pretty early, we missed the lights (they’re more likely at “bar closing time”)—the moon beamed gloriously.

Look at the stars!

The view to the north—more stars! BTW, the lights in the lower left are our cottage.

Catching the sunrise is much more my speed…meaning I’m more of a morning person.

Hard to improve on this.

Lake-ward hike

My pre-coffee outing was to gauge the first frost. There was just a teeny bit on the ground, but the roofs sported a goodly amount—I’d call it a light frost. See that lower right unfrosted area? That’s above where our pillows are…it shows a serious lack of insulation!

Today’s headliner was a hike to the shore of Lake Superior…partly along the North Country Trail.

The lake was placid, much calmer than the other day.

See? That rock is the east edge of the Pictured Rocks.

On a more macro level, look at these grey fungi!

And these orange hued ones.

My-o-my did we return to the cottage (an hour-plus drive) all creaky. And hungry…ah, leftovers!

Head’s up

When I was first walking on the beach this morning, this bunch took off and looped around and around, finally returning to this same spot. Feeding? Also, I don’t know what they are…white like gulls, but smaller.

In lieu of the many dawn shots I’ve been posting, here’s a just-after shot…as in just after moonrise and just after sunset. It’s a super-wide angle image, not a pano…obviously, the sun set further to the “right” relative to this framing.

Gems, various

Low sun angles produce lovely aesthetics. Here the rhubarb leaves are exquisitely backlit, and the quarter-inch-mesh protective screen cage looks begemmed. Squint and you may be able to see the maple seeds caught in the top squares, with the seeds up and the blades down.

This morning, the lake was almost still, creating accurate reflections.

I spotted active snails on the lake bottom, leaving their trails as they plow through the sand. Two are in the upper left quadrant, and one is in the lower right