
Today was not as warm as the last few days (when I looked for shadows to stay cool(er)); however, the light was fantastic. Nice to have the trees clear of leaves and the sunlight streaming through. [The beige leaves are mostly beech.]
Posted at 7:40 PM |
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🇺🇦 Ukraine’s flag colors seem very similar to those of the UnivMichigan. Ukraine strong azure: #0066cc; UMich blue #00274C. Ukraine yellow: #ffcc00; UMich maize: #FFCB05. [All websafe.]
Posted at 9:31 PM |
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I’ve seen the Ukranian President’s name as Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Volodymyr Zelensky. I don’t know what the distinction is/means. I do understand the Ukranian Kyiv (vs the Russian Kiev). Such are the problems of transliteration. And colonization/subjugation.
Posted at 9:07 PM |
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I don’t know if this is the yucca I learned to call Spanish bayonet, however it has stiff, spiky vegetation and looks like a yucca. Yes, I got stabbed getting this shot.
Title refers to the number of ladybugs currently hanging in our upstairs bathroom. It’s the season when this happens.
Posted at 7:55 PM |
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I kept all the suggested tweaks the photo-fixing software I use offered for this picture. I call it “Daffy Drama.” It’s rather enhanced compared to real-life.
Posted at 8:12 PM |
1 Comment »

We “did” culture today. [Better in person.]

Detail of MRO’s dress.


Great hands. And the mini-hands show almost 4:30. PM, I assume.
Posted at 6:58 PM |
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We needed a high-quality leg-stretch today, and walked to the park. From the bridge we could look into the orchard. The weedy orchard. I think this overcast is exaggerated by a smear on my lens.

See? Also, note the aggressive green algae bloom. [Which our walking companion says was known as frog snot (was that it?) in the part of the rural Midwest where her husband grew up.]
Posted at 7:23 PM |
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I remember there are eleven hollies native to Georgia, although I may have the number wrong. I suspect this hedge is an Asian interloper. I thought it looked far perkier than the rain-weighted drooping daffodils I might have photoed.
Of course, the most famous holly of southeastern North America must be “Ilex vomitoria,” famously used by native peoples to make a beverage with a name translated as Black Drink. Which is what we call our morning coffee around here. Yes, incorrectly.
Posted at 9:07 PM |
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Nice colors in the sunrise sky. I looked the other way, and saw the moon, too, but it wasn’t photogenic (roofs).
Channel flipping brought us a few minutes of a replay of the closing ceremonies. I know that was supposed to be a stylized snowflake, but it looked more like a star in a Christmas play to me. I’m sure the Chinese officials did not expect a Christian interpretation. Did they use international focus groups?
Posted at 8:17 PM |
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We’ve watched a few minutes of Olympic competitions lately (and very little blah-blah filler), mostly curling, pairs skating, bobsled, and half-pipe. In the latter two, the competitors get more than one chance to perform, and the best score is the one that counts. My head is a bit dizzy with this to beat the best competitor so far and that to get a medal and this other to win the gold…that kind of thing.
Me, I have stats, too. I still think that my AppleWatch’s “Move” figure is the most useful metric for daily activity. And the threshold I like is based on basal metabolic rate (BMR;several websites estimate this), that is, a metric for being active beyond the minimum of just being alive (roughly).
I strive to have my Beyond exceed 40% of my BMR, and I prefer it to be above 43%. On active days, I’m over 46%, and super active, for me, is over 50%. These days, anyway.
Posted at 9:14 PM |
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