
Trying for zen

Nitz severe

Watching the weather…and bracing for serious wind and rain about midnight. [Deep breath. Exhale.]


Hyacinth seed

…the white hyacinth is going to seed. It’s almost as fast at the life-cycle as the weeds….

Not just timing

White ground fleurs

The sun was full on these posies when I ran to get my camera…not fast enough….

I wondered today if coercion makes me queasier than violence, or about the same. Thought provoked by TV shows….

Leafing briefing

Treetops leafing out

Spring is marching along, and the canopies of our neighborhood trees are well into their greening phase.

Evening light VaHi

Over in the business district, the replacements for the Bradford pears are meh, super-meh. I sure miss the pears, which would have given us almost two weeks of white petal-cloud and be shifting to leaves by now.

Flossy azaleas

Meanwhile, the showy azaleas in our front garden are beginning to pop.

Confession: our last two binge-watchings: House of Cards and Broadchurch, season two. Not sure what’s next….

Garden beauty

Cherokee rose opening

Loving our Cherokee rose today. This bud has just opened enough to reveal the crowd of golden stamens. This is a climbing variety, and boy do its shoots need trimming. After the blooming….

Phrasing shootout

Some old Eastwood shootout

A simple, unfussy phrase can evoke images with complexity and depth.

Not Fine Friday

Blueberries tomatoes plastic packs

We went for fruit and burgers here for our Good Friday dinner. Not Great Friday, mind you, and just a tad less lovely than Fine Friday. The burgers were of bison, and the fruit in both blue and red varieties (both high in colorful antioxidants).

JCB scooped the groceries up from the Buckhead WhlFuds, not our nearby one, where they added three (count ’em) rubber bands to bind the plastic packs holding the two fruits.

My rubber band stash is now robust, if you need one.

Awaiting bees

Azalea cluster white

The azaleas I admire through the back picture window are opening, but at a slower pace than I remember. Now there are branches of open blooms, but less than a quarter of the whole plant. I can’t remember when I planted it…maybe a year or two after we moved in?

Swapped reality

Orchid white CU

This morning I spent wondering when the garbage truck was going to come by, like it was a Monday. I’m not sure why I thought it was a Monday, why it felt like a Monday.

In honor of mixed up days, here’s an orchid-center that looks like a lovely almost-symmetrical paint splotch…from the other day.

Time warp

Mirror ball
Wedgewood pitcher female tending fire

We day-tripped out of town today. In part we revisited memory places; we also visited new places, and old places that have been remade. Somehow, the mirror ball seemed to me to reflect the present and hold promise for memories and hints of the future. Probably just me….

The lady is on a Wedgwood vase, about seven inches tall and probably dating to about 1900. The figure is given different poses in different shaped pieces (e.g., tea pot; straight-sided vase), often facing out toward the viewer, or spaced farther from the fire(?), and with different hair. If I knew Classical mythology better, I would know exactly who she is. Past inhabits present….