
Happy Samhain

Rat no nest

While walking at mid-day, I first saw this diorama out of the corner of my eye, and I thought the rat was REAL!…and at the same time not real. When I stepped back to photograph Señor Rat, he looked very plastic, and the heart-stopping spell was broken.

Love the pumpkin accent

Real thang

Sometime late this afternoon the wind finally dropped off. I’m soooooo glad.

Art leaf

This post includes a real leaf and an art leaf of what appear to be the same species, more or less (on the latter).

Zeta wind

Limbs down

Zeta-center passed by to the northwest of us overnight, yet gave us plenty of action. Not as much rain as was predicted early on…but about as much wind.

Limb basketball

That brought down branches.

Limb wire

And power lines.

Here at our address, just small stuff, whew.

But but but, the wind is kicking up again. No rain, but whew, wind-wind-wind. I’m gritting my teeth and getting through it while willing all trees nearby to remain upright and keep all their big branches intact.

Pre-Zeta and Zeta predictions

Lichen branch

Back in the bad old days, life forms were rated as to, well, sophistication.

In that hierarchy, these would have been lesser life forms. And “lesser” was freighted with all kinds of superior qualities.

Shroom mounds

Me, I think fungi and lichens and mosses and the like are very complex. And sophisticated…biologically, for sure! So there!

Also, at something like 2am the winds are supposed to really kick in. I’m not looking forward to that. The eye is supposed to pass just west of us, so that means we’re getting the worst of it, whatever it is this far inland.

Changes afoot

Bee mum

I was lucky that this cluster of blooms was large enough that it had multiple bees…and I was additionally lucky that I could capture one’s soul.

Night view

Evening view. I hear that from midnight tonight until moon Thursday we are to have rain rain and more rain, with lightning for something like eight hours of that. Should make for an interesting drip drip walk tomorrow, ¿eh?, yet no bees?

Snapshot reality

Brugmansia blooms

I keep thinking these gigantic trumpet blooms are Nicotiana spp., but they aren’t—they’re Brugmansia spp. [Botanically related, but different.] Crossed wires in my brain, I guess….

Brugmansia from below

Not easy to make a good shot from below without more gear and time than a casual walker-photographer.


Downtown skyline

I’m back in the city, around imposing skylines…

Apartment building rear

…and buildings. Here, I found my eye going to the plants and pots in the lower windows. I walked around the right side of the building, and that right lower apartment had potted plants in every window. Smallish pots, less than 5/6 inches across…yet no grow light operation.


Playground packed

I remember that when our mayor established Covid-restrictions for the city that playgrounds were closed. And this one indeed had something like crime scene tape around it, around the legs of the swing set and the like. No sign of that now. And attendance has soared.

Burgundy bloom

Burgundy tinted fuchsia. If you squint, it looks almost velvety. I do not know what this flower is, although I assume its seeds and genes have been wrenched from far away, perhaps from a tropical source. A hypothesis, anyway. [I admit: title doesn’t fit this photo.]

Mushroom mountain-ettes

Fungal pile

Over the last few days we’ve south-shifted our latitude, driving mile after mile, leaving winter-is-pending. This means we’ve moved back to late summer.

Fungal multi piles

And the evidence suggests it’s been a bit rainy. Fungi loves a bit of moisture. And some warmth…saw a prediction of 81°F high today On My New Watch. From Wea-Channel data/sponsor.

That’s a big change from frost on the pumpkins, roof, grass, and possibly deer napping overnight curled up in the orchard at our previous latitude. High of 75°F predicted for tomorrow…guess I should walk earlier rather than later, no?…for more temperate exercise conditions.

Flat Indiana

Church bell

Our first stop was the best…to see loved ones and their New Home! Just darned lovely. All of it. Next time, we’ll stay longer than just for coffee, laughs, and covid-careful hugs.

This was at a later stop, for pure leg stretching…and a few photos. It was a church parking lot. I’m a tad confused with all the nekkid humanoids on the decorative band on this bell, set in the center of the loop from the drop-off awning to the parking lot. My impression is that it was a darned conservative church, and they don’t usually go in for nekkid imagery. Or perhaps I’m making an unwarranted assumption.

Flat view

Dramatic skies can confuse modern digital cameras. This is a different direction, perhaps two minutes after the bell shot. Still: pretty pretty.

Speaking of nekkid, Trevor Noah used a wonderful phrase I hadn’t heard before in a clip the Guru showed me, describing folks wearing their masks at, well, rather half staff: nose nudity. You may find me working it into conversations soon….