
The end of August seems a good time to review harvest and garden news. Minimal here: nothing planted, a few survivors and self-seeders from last year…. This Thai basil plant would be the blue (purple?) ribbon from our scanty plot; let’s face it, the competition is negligible. Still, this hardy plant has given us several pickings for Thai curry tofu, and will several more. Not bad for a volunteer!
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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JCB & JPB went to DragonCon. And I did not.
JCB took this photo. And I did not.
Used with permission.
Apologies to Tommy Roe. Architecture and a gal are not in the same league in the potential for creating dizziness. Why? Because a building, even a Portman structure, in this case Atlanta’s Marriott downtown, cannot love you back. BTW, no whirlpool in the atrium….
Posted at 6:34 PM |
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It’s not at all clear that this is an enlarged kitty paw-print on the windshield, but that’s exactly what it is.
We’ve had some pet turn-over in the neighborhood, in favor of slightly more dogs in some parts and more cats in other parts, and fewer pets in other parts. Right here, we have more adventurous cats that we have been seeing for some years. (Just wish we could import them to diminish the troublesome rodent population Up North.)
Posted at 5:25 PM |
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Today I found the evidence inescapable that we are moving toward the equinox, and, yea, it is less than a month away.
Posted at 9:51 PM |
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Darn. That bee was hustling!
Just playing with the Sony….
Working with focus location and cropping in camera and after…specs on specs?
Posted at 9:49 AM |
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In Spanish, this color would be rojizo, or possibly colorado. Kinda. I’m pretty sure. In English, not to be confused with brindle, which doesn’t have the orange-y component.
One: the number of microwave ovens we bought today. Panasonic. With a fancy inverter built in that’s supposed to make it…more sophisticated at heating leftovers. And a whopping 1250 watts. That’s watt!
Hefty: the 2 lb 5.6 oz loaf of whole-wheat bread we got from the bakery yesterday.
Posted at 8:08 PM |
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Glad to be home, yet, I also found myself thinking about the mint and daisies on the beach, with the background sound of lapping wavelets…up north.
Posted at 6:49 PM |
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BTW, our last jaunt took us through fourteen states. They encircle but do not include Indiana. We almost creased Alabama, but didn’t. Still, fourteen…for an idea of scale, we counted eight on our return, including where we started and where we ended, accomplished in just under 1800 miles. Prius miles.
Posted at 9:29 PM |

As we reached Chattanooga, we saw a curtain of rain over the Tennessee River, smothering the landscape with gouts of precip. The Guru piloted us along and at some point the road was dry again, and soon the car was, too, by the time we were a half-hour into Georgia.
Posted at 11:28 PM |
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We wandered along the west bank, loosely speaking, of this major North American river. South of Hannibal, we followed Missouri-79 south, which climbs some (locally) serious ridges overlooking the alluvial plain a bit north of the Mississippi embayment zone. If you’re ever looking for a river wander, try that section of MO-79…. The haze makes this view less dramatic, but that’s still a lot of water!
Posted at 11:21 PM |
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