The Italian salames we tried didn’t have a cheesecloth layer like this one….
This is the sausage I’ve found here in ATL, in a cursory rather than exhaustive search, that is most similar to the everyday ones we enjoyed in southern Italy. Its serious classy name and presentation are no comparison to one of our Italian favorites, Il Baby—short little sausages sold in pairs….
So far I’ve only noted these gems at Whole Foods; the line has several versions, not all of which I’ve see at WF.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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My theory is that shoes hang out near the door to socialize. We just think we remove them so we don’t track in outdoor substances.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
Do real lives have less complex backstories than fictional characters?
Today I’m thinking yes, generally.
Posted at 9:20 PM |

Love those legume blooms. They look so unintentionally impressive, if I can anthropomorphize a botanical family, these cousins of sweet peas….
Posted at 9:05 PM |
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I’m not sure why cannons welcome you to the zoo, but that’s the way it is down here. I guess the cannons relate to the cyclorama, as they share an entrance, but most people go to the zoo. Especially since the cyclorama is closed on Sundays (of all things given the zoo crowds; probably with budget shortfalls, too).
Anyway, this is a view up from below the cannon barrel. Rainfall tracks. Patterns distorted by the slight upward angle of the barrel.
I would have said this meant green-grey, but no, my sources say it’s a corruption via Middle English of the Old French vert de Grece, or green of Greece.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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I was too tied up and boring today to even walk, let alone create a fresh/fun foto for this space.
Instead, I give you an interior view of the Sears, Roebuck building we toured the other Tuesday.
This is a view to the west, and the windows look north onto Ponce. The floor is original. Workers had to remove six layers* of carpeting, we were told, to reveal similar maple strip flooring on a lower “shopping” level.
The pillars are original and the floor above is poured concrete. Boards were used to hold the wet concrete, then removed, leaving the stripes you see in the ceiling.
To ensure that the dust created by construction doesn’t wreck the now-exposed wood floors, the developer bought a wood-floor zamboni, and the floors are cleaned frequently.
* Can you imagine the amount of trapped yuck in that much carpeting? Ick.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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Despite the cold snap, I see some ornamental trees are a-bloom….
As I sat waiting for a stoplight to green, my foot solidly on the brake, I could feel the car shuddering in the biting wind.
Poppins, that is.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
1 Comment »

Storms overnight meant neither of us slept well. After a nap this morning, when it finally got quiet, I got sucked into Paul Lukacs’ Inventing Wine (2012). We might not recognize the liquid the ancients called wine as such. This means there’s been quite a migration of meaning—interesting…along with changes in manufacturing…. For starters, to the ancients quality wines were made from raisinized grapes, not fresh ones. Also, the liquid wasn’t sealed from oxygen, so the flavor migrated; can’t say I’d be excited about swilling the vinegarish stuff….
Posted at 5:48 PM |
1 Comment »
View WSW from Beltline bridge over North Avenue (33.77110,-84.36391).
No reason WikiPee doesn’t have this right, so this nightclub used to be an excelsior mill. I had only a nebulous idea what excelsior is, and finally looked it up. Wood wool. Little fine curls of timber. So, it was a factory for reducing trees to fluff.
Strange what repurposing can make (historical) bedfellows….
Note how the strange weather “cut off” the tops of the downtown buildings—this was soon after the rain stopped….
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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I’m feeling…static Friday.
A recent in-law party has led me to…a (temporary?) fascination with Manhattans.
My variation: rye (not “regular” bourbon)—the “original” recipe.
Which raises the question: Are there non-HFC maraschino cherries out there (in the accessible world)?
In the meantime, bottoms up!
Posted at 7:12 PM |