
Since we heard fireworks last night, and not at midnight, I suspect there’ll be a concert of them tonight. I already hear distant, strange pops, which I’m crediting to a build-up to the expensive midnight ones. These are “neighborhood” noises, and not sanctioned events.
I’ll be trimming this basil for our New Year’s casserole, which is a non-traditional black-eyed pea and greens dish that I’m making up. I’m hoping that because I’m using the “regular” New Year’s Day ingredients, it won’t diminish their good vibes for the coming year. The casserole will have many veggies with cream, cheese, and a dusting of bread crumbs.
Posted at 8:58 PM |
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In a version of the New Year’s Eve Eve spirit, a prelude to the proper New Year’s Eve vibe.
Posted at 8:49 PM |
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We’re having a bit more light at night, and that’ll hold for another hour or so, until rain comes in. It may last until dawn. The scary part is the potential for hard rain and wind. Arrrgh.
Posted at 9:07 PM |
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Looks like I need some fresh spices for…well, for the next pumpkin pie season…. So, the big question: now? (so they’re in the house when needed); or later? (so they’re fresher when needed).
* FWP = first world problem
Posted at 9:55 PM |
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Jes watchin a Maine deer trough. Quite restful.
More often, however, we watch “Escape to the Country.” That’s where I learned that homely in Great Britain English means what I mean by homey, that is: a pleasantly comfortable and cozy place. Like a home, for example 😎.
These are both anti-COVID-stress viewings in this household.
Posted at 7:57 PM |
1 Comment »

I read a bit online about Boxing Day. I guess today can’t be Boxing Day, at least in some times and places, because it’s a Sunday. Mostly I was trying to find out what the boxes were made of, because the ritual began before cardboard. Perhaps the box meant alms boxes at the church, or perhaps the box was what the gifts were put in. I’m betting either way the boxes were some kind of wood, but I didn’t get that confirmed.
Posted at 9:25 PM |
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We enjoyed a tasty and festive brunch at our niece’s….

…with entertainment by young Nova…

…and our not-a-tree welcomed us home to almost-vegetarian left-over chili.
Posted at 7:29 PM |
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Our fine decorative wooden bench in the front yard is a lichen wonderland. My latest gardening success?!!
Posted at 8:03 PM |
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On this day in 2017, we were high-tailing it for Seattle, stopping briefly to watch the sun set at what was once a regional center-of-the-world, now a place called Cahokia, in the state of Illinois. Before it got this dark, we watched the deer come in to feed on the open ground around the many, many civic-ceremonial mounds that remain.
Posted at 7:14 PM |
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Seasonal public art.
Honoring new-to-me medication I just got today. So far: successful. It’s a gel with 1% diclofenac sodium (yes, I got the generic), to treat arthritis joint pain and swelling. With the first treatment, I felt much better in 10 minutes, which is huge. It’s rather messy to put on, especially compared to the ease of chugging a couple of tablets, but the NSAID chemistry is better overall with the gel than by-mouth tabs.
Posted at 7:12 PM |
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