
Can you tell I’m enamored of this type of azalea? The flowers are just beginning to fade, it seems, and these droopers are the first obvious sign.

Meanwhile, a few steps away, this red dogwood’s blooms are beginning to open. Cycle of the flowers, no?

My fancy new boots excelled at their first chore: pressure washing! Hate that the concrete gets a slathering of mildew and mold or whatever. Looks nasty and may become slippery under certain conditions. New pressure washer, delivered today from Amazzzing, has color-coded tips. The yellow fits in with the yellow pine pollen that’s raining down on us, no?
Posted at 6:36 PM |
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Saw this out of the corner of my eye and thought: Spanish moss! What’s it doing here???!!! So wrong. String.

Today’s flower picture. Not sure the name (common or scientific).
Posted at 8:56 PM |

Nice clear, warm weather this time of year means huge pollen accumulations…I think of the yellow as mostly pine….

Certainly, there isn’t much iris pollen accumulating!

I know this as a snowball bush, although these snowballs are mighty green. Viburnum?
Posted at 7:37 PM |
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This almost-wild is a few steps away. As I moved along, two yakking women came across the bridge by the railing, so I let them head down “my” path, and crossed the bridge and headed along that way, far enough away to not hear the loud yakking.

The other side of the park is more developed, and it looks like it’s gonna host a party! I think these were pallets of plastic flooring. Thursday is The Staging Day for Friday/weekend festivities. Maybe I’ll check it out tomorrow.

Today’s flower photo: tulips.
Posted at 7:23 PM |
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Phlox occupying a sidewalk, softening a hardscape, essentially.

Branch crossing the fence-boundary. A well-lichened fence.
Posted at 7:56 PM |
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Note organic donations from the plants…tis the season of increased organic matter, early version. This also happens in the autumn when the leaves fall….

Now this is the blooming pretty…blueberry blossoms! This is before they are blue!

I think of this as a cultivar/variant/close relative of the flame azalea. I may even be correct! Heh. Otherwise, pretty extended/stretched azalea blooms.
Posted at 6:19 PM |
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Over the years I have lived here in the Sunny South, I have never found many of these rosy dogwoods. I don’t know if they’re prone to disease and don’t survive, or if they’re just plain difficult to find in the nurseries. Whatever the backstory, here’s a thriving specimen!
Posted at 9:19 PM |
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I don’t expect these petals to last much longer on the tree; nice on the path for now….

Another path…or paths? Dog and oak?
Posted at 7:24 PM |
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We had all manner of fun today, including a w-a-a-a-y outside-the-perimeter adventure. In which we saw…
…a mirror ball reflecting.

And cats waiting. [For feeding time, of course.]

And a chimney smoking. The kind to start the Kingsford* charcoal.
* The Ford part of Kingsford is from Henry…a side business of his.
Posted at 11:23 PM |
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Friday theme/goal, ¿no? Create energy! Bang a drum!

And some visual symmetry. Just ’cause.
Posted at 7:41 PM |
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