
Lots of drippy rain today—almost felt like Seattle or Portland. Tried out a new app five-ish when the sun finally came out—it’s called GPX Master. Our little GPS device is pretty much dead (but served us faithfully for years), and the Guru looked for a replacement using the iPhone/iPad…. Love that when you end the track, GPX Master uploads it to Dropbox.
Posted at 6:06 PM |
Where I was a decade ago today…
Scenario: grocery and shops parking lot.
Action: me nosing my sedan into a space right between a Hummer and an Escalade.
Posted at 10:53 AM |
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I find this humid sometimes rainy summer unsettling after so many dry and dryish summers. So I was thinking about being in the desert last spring. They’d just had some moisture, so there was a greenness, but it wasn’t in bloom.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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Got caught in a traffic clog on the way back from the airport—three fine lanes with one pair of vehicles pulled off to the side and clogging caused by rubberneckers, and another pair involved in a fender-bender about 100 meters farther on and blocking two lanes. And a traffic light beyond that.
The traffic threaded the needle in a sinuous pattern. Kinda.
By the time I got to the traffic light, the first pair had disappeared into the traffic and the second pair had moved to the shoulder.
Traffic evolution?
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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This image is misleading. First, it’s from last winter/spring. And, it’s structure/superstructure. Whereas for much of the day I was thinking about foundations. Of the Roman florescence. The ancient one.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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The very kindly Guru brought home a new gin for me to try.
Just gin over ice. (purring) Verrrrry nice.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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I’ve been thinking about Rome and its treasures and history, so to me this resembles the oculus in the roof of the Pantheon. But it’s the decorated interior of a hemispherical pot.
Posted at 5:28 PM |
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Snake yesterday. Rodent today.
Posted at 10:22 PM |
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I’m feeling recycled today. Thus, this photo is from a month ago.
Kudos to the KW for a decade of blahgging!
* Not the walking kind….
Posted at 7:14 PM |
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Metaphor for my…moment? Life?
Long story….
Book Club night. Gad, I hate when age creeps upon us/me/anyone. Or just circumstance.
Sorry. Okay. I’m yanked to the present. Hip hip…. Uhhhh.
Posted at 10:57 PM |
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