
Night sky in my pocket

I’m assuming the hardware contributes, but I suspect it’s the software in my phone-cam that makes the night sky look like this—stars! How does it capture starlight so clearly?

Side hustle

Our outdoor furniture is catching the down-raining leaves.

Oops (almost)

I nearly forgot to blog this evening. Guess why? [Nothing to say [especially about current events], in essence.]

I’m not sniffing THAT daisy

I’m thinking about the definition of democracy…then considering the destabilizing social discontent, the repeated unapologetic lying by squadrons of elected officials, and the rampant internet propagandizing…and I conclude that I don’t know where we’re going as a nation. Not that I have any political science chops or anything. 🤣

Regarding the title, I’m not sure that’s a daisy, and not a mum or an aster or some other botanical supporter of bumblebees.

One…two…three, now exhale

I saw this fading pot of mums and thought 50–50, 50–50 blooms and dried blooms (with plenty not quite either). Today is a nationwide 50–50, approximately, before the polls closed. After the count, it’ll be no longer 50–50, at least based on the electoral college (almost typed collage 🤣 ).

Label me nervous

I am edgy, worried, and tense. My blood pressure must be elevated. I’m going to Think Pink, and hope for increased calm.


I’m so glad that most of our devices are reset automatically. What I worry about is my body. This time 🤣 it was totally unexpected. I slept right to my “usual” wake-up time, which of course was an hour later. This nearly never happens.

Time to change

We strolled Piedmont Park this morning before the fog cleared. The actual old RR to the right is still in use, as the fancy new path for the BeltLine is not yet officially open, although it looks ready for traffic.

There’s the east lobe of Lake Clara Meer looking all placid and still a tiny bit obscured.

The rest of the day turned out rather weather-normal.

New index for autumn-ization?

The leaf fall rate really popped up today…with more and more coming down as the day went on. I propose a metric for that….

Melting pumpkins

Is it really the end of October? High of 79°F, of all things. Warm enough to melt squash?