
Look; look, again

Flower center.

Georgia O’Keeffe: White Flower, 1929.

White Flower, super contrasty, altered. The “grooves” that section the petals are interesting; I didn’t notice them standing in front of the painting, although they are plain as day. Instead, I noticed the subtle shading of the colors…yellows, blues, blue-greens…and the background in the upper corners.

Thanks, MSM, for suggesting this High adventure.

Sooooo bright

The moon was bright this morning, even just after 6am. Clear and cold.


The “possible five inches” of rain turned out to be about two-and-a-half, which is far less…dangerous. Even more exciting: the sun came out almost all afternoon.


Night squirrels

It really doesn’t look like it, but this is a night shot, from a few minutes ago. My guess is that the unbroken drippy cloudcover is reflecting the light back and back again, so the sky isn’t dark? Goodnight, squirrels.

Umbrella n boots

Today’s precip was on the misty-moisty end of the spectrum. The prediction I hear for the next two days is deluge…perhaps five inches.


I’m celebrating being awake at 9:30pm. Woohoo!

I was out

Time-change drowsiness got me, and I flaked out just before 9pm, with a brain that was half-asleep by 8:30. Adjusting sleep-wake schedules is tougher than upping reps.

Castilla y León art

Clever signage from our trip that I neglected to post…as in, I already had too many photos selected for the day’s post…. The letters and symbol were cut from the sheet metal, when the light was bright, produced a…what’s the opposite of a shadow? A pass-through of light?


Above our washer-drier is a tube light. When I flipped it on while processing the dirty laundry we brought home with us, the bulb blew and fell onto the drier. I have yet to dig out the socket part that stayed in the tube.

It’s dangerous being home?

I managed to stay awake last night until shortly after 7:30pm…and woke up at approximately when we had been getting up in Spain. Errg. Already yawning now…. My body isn’t proficient at fielding time changes.

Moving day

We got to see the sunrise while at the airport…waiting.

Finally, we took off!

[Insert hours and hours of westward movement.]

What a relief to reach ATL, and land!

[Skip discussion of extremely flawed layout of ATL airport…necessitating an at least fifteen-minute walk to get to passport control from our gate, and a fifteen-minute bus ride to the “other side” of the airport from the international terminal to reach the MARTA station.]