In all fairness, this was yesterday’s sunset.
I’m happy to avoid the Reinhart-Rogoff mess (can YOU use a spreadsheet program correctly?)(and…PK’s take on it), but I got sucked into my own life’s version of “check all details numerous times” on an assortment of themes today.
Question: if there was no architectural barrier to it, if you were planning a two-story house with the bedrooms upstairs, would you put the washer-drier upstairs?
See, I’m thinking details all day. Disparate details, but still details.
26 April 2013 at 9:32 pm
Rebecca says:
Yes! (To the washer dryer question)
27 April 2013 at 8:18 am
kayak woman says:
Second floor or not, one place I would NOT ever put the washer-dryer is in the darkest dankest corner of the dungeon, which is where mine *is*, of course…
27 April 2013 at 8:46 am
Sammy says:
R—yes, as I recall, ours is on the second floor at YOUR suggestion…. KW—my natal home was similar to yours—in the basement and no place to move it upstairs; just think how “good” for you all those up/down stairs are! haha
27 April 2013 at 11:31 pm
Marquis says:
What with my history of water damage, I have to say no to the above basement washer. There is no reason for the dryer to be co-located with the washer, if the dryer is next to the dresser.