Teenage waistline

Azalea of summer

Watched the movie of Conan’s “The Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour” this evening, and heard Eddie Vedder sing those words…well, the real* “Baba O’Riley” lyrics. Fun documentary.

I’m lousy at deciphering the right words in lyrics; I do pretty well at recognizing voices, but, lyrics, hmm, not so much. The documentary is “Conan O’Brien Can’t Stop.”

One comment

  1. kayak woman says:

    That lyric thing — mondegreen I think they call it… You’ve probably heard this story before but here goes anyway. My mom and I were at a church mother and daughter banquet (yes, really) when I was a teenager. The program included a “talent” portion and a classmate of mine belted out a heartfelt rendition of “Leaving on a Jet Plane”. When the song was over, The Commander turned to me and asked, “Why was she singing about Lincoln on his deathbed?”