The Suwannee; WikiPee says Stephen Foster took out a syllable to make the syllables work.
Not sad and dreary here, although it’s been overcast much of the day. (And it’s raining at the moment.)
Actually a fine adventurous day!
Reptiles continue to be well-represented among our wild-critter sightings. Got two more snakes today. One raccoon. Many shoreline and wading birds. Watched a flock of white pelicans soar overhead, spiraling upward in lazy ovals, real eye candy as the sun caught them broadside.
Also, tourists from outside San Diego, nice couple. Vehicle had CA plates, so they’re ambitious! Said this is their walnut(!!) farm.
Lots of planted pines interspersed with palmetto volunteers. Cypresses and cypress knees. Oaks of many sorts. Large blue-violet irises in a few flooded ditches. A species of yellow-flowered weed. …and men-eeee moooore!
Flat flat flat flat (but I’ve mentioned this recently).