Random London…


Thames view

We went out on one last bridge to look at the River Thames. Tide out somewhat. Water murky. All active boats were tourist vessels.

Caution horses crossing

From the upper deck of a two-level bus, we learned that passing horses trump pedestrian regulations…and have the power to STOP vehicular traffic. Have a great ride!

Seven Dials symbol

This is the symbol for the Seven Dials neighborhood. A quick G**gle search and I find no explanation.

The Seven Dials part is easy. When platted in the 1690s, to get the maximum street frontage thus increasing the value of lots, the owner opted for a radial street pattern from a point, where a sundial monument was installed. There were/are seven streets, but only six sundials–with the seventh the pillar they are mounted on!

Cool Apple plug

We continued our practice of visiting Apple Stores in foreign capitals and large cities. The Guru asked about the new Apple adapter that has folding prongs and fits UK electrical plugs. The kindly Apple-lady said she hadn’t touched one, and opened a brand new package (was it £30? £25? I forget…pricy), so she and we could see/feel the smooth mechanism. The twin prongs move in the opposite direction from the third one, very solid mechanism. Lovely design. Points to Jony Ive, I understand. Thanks to our Apple-lady for modeling! (No points to me for OOF* image.)

* OOF = out-of-focus

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