Dewy Rose, Georgia, is ENE of Athens. Lovely name!
I’m not sure what I expected from ol’ Conan the Barbarian when he was elected governor of Kah-lee-forn-yah, but I never anticipated he’d sign on to such liberal energy policies, and other non-Republican, non-conservative policies, laws, and legislation. As mentioned there, the ramifications are significant if California flat out will not buy electricity from major polluters, although they may have painted themselves into a corner with natural gas being their only major energy source (coal and nuclear being excluded). Making roof panels a “standard option�? in home construction has a lot of merit, as does the switch to in-line (aka on-demand) water heaters….
Milestone of no importance this past week: outside temps have dropped sufficiently that we’re not living in constant AC, and I had to get a light quilt out the other night!
15 September 2006 at 10:58 pm
mouse's moom says:
As you well know, my favorite air conditioner on earth is the Big Lake They Call Gitchee Gumee!
But we do have central air here at the Carbeck Landfill as of last fall and I think we may have used it about 4-5 days/nights this summer.
Good night from the Planet Ann Arbor. Empty nest again tomorrow night.