Turtle Day


My biggest excitement today was finding this critter trying to check out the garage. S/he had already crawled up a 4-inch “cliff” to reach the door sill, quite a feat for having a carapace approximately the diameter of a basketball! Dad coaxed her/him (well, prodded her/him with a stick) into a small plastic garbage can and I carried her/him across the road to the neighbors, since we figured s/he was headed for their ponds.

Later, Dad saved a painted turtle that was crusing down the center line of the road. Not a smart move on the turkel’s part!


  1. froooggy says:

    Grok grok! Can I have th’ turtle? grok grok.

  2. mouse's moom says:

    Um, Frooog, I think that cute turtle might be big enough to sit on top of you and suffocate you!