Big 88!


One day early, we celebrated and celebrated Someone’s 88th! We were split on whether the biggest (edible) treat was the Botanist’s first big picking of strawberries or my killer brownies.

Special thanks to all who visited, sang, and/or sent cards!


  1. mouse's moom says:

    Beautiful picture and yay for 88! What kind of fleurs?

    Sincerely yours,
    Black Thumb Banana 😉

  2. Sammy says:

    Hydrangea. It’s probably most famous ’cause if you change the pH of the soil—that is how acid or alkaline it is—the flower color will drift from blue to pink. Right, Pooh?

  3. Pooh says:

    Yes, it is pH reactive. That said, I’ve seen bushes that have both blue and pink flowers on the same plant. ??? I’ve also seen pale green hydrangea blooms and the oak leaf hydrangea has sort of off-white/beige flowers.

  4. Sammy says:

    My guess that the hydrangeas with bicolor flowering were 1) large, and 2) with differing pH on different sides of the plant. Perhaps non-blue/pink flowers indicates the radical element in the plant world—roughly speaking, the kind who would have voted for John Anderson.

  5. Kelley Hersey says:

    WONDERFUL picture of Manette just BEFORE the big 88th! As I recall, Fred and she share the same Big Day… glad to hear that it was a good one. We miss all of the Smiths and Smith/Burns folks, being so isolated in upstate NY. Looking forward to seeing you and JCB soon. (And P.S., we LOVED the backyard garden image, plus the “family of four near the back door” shot…)–K