Leetle buggers


We suffered an infestation in the kitchen, and despite bleach and serious cleaning (including under the stovetop around the burners, ick), the ants would not go elsewhere. We resorted to chemical means to reclaim the counter. (I apologize for the ethnocentric colonialism aspect of our behavior.)


  1. mouse's moom says:

    Lizard Breath had a similar infestation when I visited her in Berkeley. They definitely put out poison. The ants were all over the counters and sink when I got there and five days later they were almost all gone.

    When we moved into this place 23 years ago, we had *big* ants inside. One time my dad bought some diazinon and very deliberately sprinkled it around the perimeter of the house. They have never come back.

  2. Sammy says:

    Particularly wise to get rid of big ants—I think they’re wood eaters!