Look at those whiskers!
Yeah, at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show the judge picked a cutie-beagle for best in show.
My pet-snapshot is a lovely ginger cat I found sitting in the sun (the other day, I admit; today is not this nice—in fact it’s windy and cold—brrrrrrrrr!)—but looking away. In fact, apparently concentrating on looking away…the way cats sometimes do….
Finally, I did my best to emit a purring sound. The cat turned—and I got the money shot….
Science note
The ginger coat-color is a sex-linked trait; ginger cats are most often male. On the other hand, cats with tortiseshell or calico coats are almost always female.
Read the Wikipedia discussion of this—and much more—on cats….
13 February 2008 at 11:34 pm
Jay says:
I have always loved orange cats. And all the ones I have had were male – Butterscotch (his sister was a tortishell and did not stay with us long) and Chas in MI, Frodo in CO and moved to WA, and then Sam in WA. Now with Rey being allergic to cats we don’t get to have one in our home.
14 February 2008 at 7:08 am
Sammy says:
JCB’s allergic, too, so we have yard cats—the neighbor’s cats who roam our yard. Mostly it’s the black-cat-with-the-white-feet’s territory….
15 February 2008 at 12:53 pm
kayak woman says:
two years ago when my dad was in the hoosegow, that dog show was the only thing he showed any interest in on tv. Snowboarding in the olympics came in at a distant second.