Mystery plant life


I am mystified as to how this plant came to be in our backyard, in a semi-abandoned flower bed. It looks like a jack-in-the-pulpit to me, and I think of them as forest floor plants, certainly not as volunteers in an urban setting. I can remember no introduced soil-stuffs to have brought it in, at least in the last twenty years. It seems unlikely that the seed remained from when this area last was forested sometime back in the nineteenth century.

So, birds? Seems most likely….

As to the house, today was mostly pretty quiet, no contractor-types poking around. John pressed forward with cleaning and organizing and I did some work, and allocated energy to making a “nice” Friday-night dinner*. We shared it with our weekend guest, who arrived just before I put the fresh, wild, Gulf shrimp in the skillet, and sauteed them with sliced shitakes and garlic, with a splurp of half-and-half added at the end. Plus fresh ground pepper. Sides of mashed potatoes and broccoli. Tossed salad with avocado chunks and slices of canned red pepper. Yum.

* The restaurants in our area are swamped on Friday nights, so we eat in to avoid excessive hubbub. Helps with the budget, too….


  1. kayak woman says:

    well, we went to our “favorite”/default restaurant last night and it was swamped but I was at the absolute end:-)

    cooking tonight though!

  2. Sammy says:

    Knights is a very special refuge; those are wonderful!