

I don’t know what this plant is—maybe an extremely tall coleus?

Over-hyped: the Biden VP announcement. Sorry, he’s a solid choice, but the 24-hr news cycle is overfocused on topics that are easy to cover. And rehash. And talk about some more. As usual. Consider the many wars underway. Human atrocities. Economic nightmares. Carbon footprints. Those are worth constructive discussion and planning 24/7. And don’t get it, of course, sadly….

Not over-hyped: Bryan Clay, winner of the 2008 Olympic decathalon. That means ten events over two (or is it three?) days, folks, ranging from foot races to jumps to throws of long and round objects.*

In my book, that means he’s a real Olympian. And deserving of more hype than I predict he’ll get.

* Sorry. I wanted to report Clay’s total points, but the NBC page links are so lame that I can’t find it.

One comment

  1. Jay says:

    Clay 8791 points – GOLD