This may look heavily photoshopped, but it isn’t; it’s just an oddly exposed reflection.
I’m worried. Officially.
Awake absurdly early (again), I checked the morning-fresh headlines, finding this one for a Jonathan Weisman piece in the WashPost: As Campaign Heats Up, Untruths Can Become Facts Before They’re Undone.
My worry comes from this trend among some folks in this country: repeat what you believe or wish to be true enough and it will be true. Maybe the corollary is: if you want it to be true, just say it over and over until you find yourself back in Kansas (aka the Dorothy approach).
How can we (continue to) accept this approach among our leadership?
This behavior is not limited to conservatives, although they seem far more willing to employ it. One sample from Weisman:
On Friday, in Cedarburg, Wis., McCain repeated that Palin had sold Alaska’s state jet on eBay, although Palin herself was careful during her vice presidential acceptance speech to say she merely “put it on eBay.” It did not sell on the online auction site.
McCain aides said yesterday that nothing they have said about the bridge is untrue.
In this case, Palin is doing a more-or-less honest, yet misleading, dance. She did list the plane on eBay; that’s true. But she didn’t sell it there. McCain apparently either hasn’t been corrected by Palin or his staff (worrisome) or he can’t remember that the plane was only listed on eBay, and not sold there (really worrisome).
Is it too much to expect honesty—and forthrightness—in public statements by our leaders?