Cypress knees are odd plant forms—function not quite nailed down….
This afternoon: sunny, pleasant.
This morning: rainy, overcast, grey.
Yesterday afternoon included fifteen minutes of snow flurries. No lie!
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Cypress knees are odd plant forms—function not quite nailed down….
This afternoon: sunny, pleasant.
This morning: rainy, overcast, grey.
Yesterday afternoon included fifteen minutes of snow flurries. No lie!
18 January 2009 at 6:39 pm
kayak woman says:
I was gonna say, “those look like knees,” then I *read* “cypress knees”!
Temp innnnnccccchhhiinnnnngggg up in these parts. 15 above right now, don’t think it broke 20 today. I think I am ready for a “heat” wave.