Socked in (almost)


Spending time in the desert, or a desert city, during a rainy spell (even if it lasts for your entire visit, pretty much) is special.

Here’s the view across San Diego‘s airport and bay, with Coronado in the background.

This is beyond the fabled marine layer, and truly socked in, unless socked in means the airport was closed. It wasn’t, and we left only a few minutes late.

Home, sweet home.


  1. kayak woman says:

    I *love* the waaarrrrs in this photooooo and what the heck is that freighter-like hulk back there?

  2. Sammy says:

    Actually, I think it’s an ocean-going freighter and hulk all in one! (You can’t tell, but it was motoring to the left/east at a decent clip (perhaps not yet loaded?).

    Didja notice the PALM TREES!??

  3. kayak woman says:

    I did see the palm trees!! 🙂

  4. Marquis says:

    They say it never rains in California
    But girl, don’t they warn ya
    It pours man it pours.