This photo is Special-D for those in lands where snow has been sighted within…the last week…or so.
Spring cleaning is…exhilarating.
Spring cleaning is…anxiety-producing.
Spring cleaning is…trash-producing.
D: none of the above.
Monday, 21 March 2011
This photo is Special-D for those in lands where snow has been sighted within…the last week…or so.
Spring cleaning is…exhilarating.
Spring cleaning is…anxiety-producing.
Spring cleaning is…trash-producing.
D: none of the above.
22 March 2011 at 7:20 am
kayak woman says:
I actually have four bags of old clothes to put out for pickup today and I only put *one* of them together! A drop in the bucket but still.
22 March 2011 at 8:17 am
Sammy says:
Kudos, KW! A buncha drops, as they say….