This, of course, is real sage, and, in this case, getting ready to bloom. Look at that fat bud! (Sage, not any other species….)
The title? My first Mac, a hand-me-down from Guess-Who, was named Mac-Sage, because it was a Mac (duh!) and sported a sticker saying “Sage” (more duh!).
I sometimes think my current Mac(s) are sage-y, but none are quite the Mac-Sage, with its tiny screen (in comparison, mind you; I wrote plenty of multi-page papers on M-S and loved that it was so-much!! easier! better! than…um, well, you get the idea…) and whirring disk drive.
Sage. Bud. Mac-Sage. (Disk) drive.
Borrowing from KW (or evocative of KW—something), lemme say, over and not-quite-out-and-I’ll-be-back-mañana…. Luv ya, everyone, especially the one-whose-bday-it-is-today. Extra hugs, luv’d one….