Decaying ice rim on pondlet
Temp in garage doesnt show wind

The pondlet’s (yes, decaying) ice rim is yesterday’s news. Today’s temps wiped it out. What the stats from the garage do not show is that all day it’s been WINDY. Not breezy, not some wind. Flat out windy.

This means that Ma Nature has increased tomorrow’s chore list: branch patrol. A new one came down in the last hour from the shade tree out back. Just a small branch this time; the last one I remember was at least 10 inches across at the base.

The shedding tree is a small-thorned variety of Gleditsia triacanthos I know as a moraine locust. Here’s an interesting document dating to May 1953 announcing the moraine variety…. The Professor O’Rourke of Michigan State College mentioned on the second page (the article’s page 80) was a buddy of The Botanist’s.


  1. jcb says:

    I’m just blown away (heh) by how many disparate things you can put together in a simple paragraph or three. I wonder if there are Moraine Locusts near the Trader Joe’s in Moraine (okay, Kettering) Ohio?

  2. Mary Jo says:

    What a fitting blog for the daughter of The Botanist!