Birds away!

Neighborhood watch in yellow

Our neighbors have instituted a program to check my heart health whenever I leave the house, and sometimes when I return.

The inside scoop I heard was that a kindly looking robin accompanied D as she planted this bed, which she thought nice companionability from the animal world until she discovered that the robin was uprooting each specimen she had carefully planted as soon as her back was turned—if not before.


  1. kayak woman says:

    What kind of snake is that? Something we don’t have around here I guess.

  2. Sammy says:

    Snakus plasticus or something like that.

  3. Pooh says:

    We had a robin inspecting our work last year when we planted around our new tree. We were planting “big” plants, so none were uprooted. We also have a picture of a robin sitting on top of the lawn mower, when Mark took a break to come into the A/C and get some water.