A different falls on a different mountain river.
The lovely D suggested a lady-expedition today, and a cozy foursome set out for a mountain winery luncheon and a walk in the woods to a lovely waterfall.
We found the winery dining room quiet and stately until a large party emerged from the tasting room to be seated around the corner from us. Think: boisterous. Still, we had a grand time. Tried the dry rosé; nice. Also enjoyed a quick visit to the barrel room; great visuals.
Later, humid walking made us appreciate the cool mountain streamwater. N and I waded; D swam; P said laughing, “looks cold!” Found a few wildflowers and iridescent blue damselflies. No ticks. No snakes. The best!
Unfortunately, this was in the Chattahoochee National Forest, and we discovered loggers taking out the larger trees (selective cutting) on the ridges above our river to make better habitat for Peruvian…um…finches(?), a migratory species. Not the ambiance D was expecting.
Thanks, D, for the invite.