Do you say lie-locks or lie-lacks?
The Guru wrangled the lawnmower, traipsing across the ENTIRE lawn, all the nooks and crannies—no big rectangles here…. The sun was out and it was a hot, red-face-inducing job.
This being Michigan—one of the places where the saying goes “if you don’t like the weather, wait ten minutes”—the weather indeed did change. The ten-minute window wasn’t met, however. Instead, the sun dipped behind clouds just as he was returning the mower to its parking place in the garage.
Sure enough, after he got out of the shower he checked the radar, and there’s a precip blob to the southwest moving our way….
Lawn now looks great! And so does the terribly strange screen-protected garden-mound sown with both seeds and sheep/alpaca/llama poop (thanks so much, Sherry!)….
6 June 2014 at 7:16 pm
Sherry says:
Our pleasure….always! 🙂