Peeks into several worlds

Shelf still

I found this collection of mementoes pacifying, although the figure has a rather serious mien. We had great fun visiting the legendary Al and Jill, and their younger generation, and a sample of one from the grandchild generation…so homey.

Lights at end of Xmas

We saw the last night of Xmas lights, and these outlined the trees in an interesting distortion of the natural arrangement of the large and small branches.

Wintery mix

Hmm. Wintery mix is pretty and contrastive in the spectrum of colors chosen to represent segments of the continuum from not freezing to freezing…. Stay warm, everyone.

Not mentioned, another world was the small-town breakfast buffet we hit (coffee and juice extra) that included pig in these forms: ham slabs, sausage patty, sausage links, bacon, sausage gravy, fried pork chops, hash, and a mixture of chopped canned tomatoes, onions, and ham. [UPDATE: also another sausage, perhaps Italian and something like andouille?] No one had a heart attack while we were there, but I worried that a regular might….

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