Yay for…

Fixit truck grande

I got down to the sidewalk and no farther as there was a work crew setting up on our street, and the fellow driving this truck was quite concerned that I understand they’d be interrupting life on our street for a while. Something about a gas line going through the sewer pipe. I couldn’t quite figure out how that could be changed by opening up one square of the sidewalk, but didn’t hang around to ask and hear the answer. Yay for infrastructure improvements.

Web art

On my mosey, I found these spider webs festooning this ground cover in an artful way. Yay for arachnid aesthetics.

Beware begonias

Later I found this holiday still life. Beware begonias? With spiders? Yay for creativity in outdoor decorations.

Gold dome

We went downtown to do a bit of business with the state, and waited at a stop-light with a great view of the capital’s gold dome. At the state office, we learned that a contractor had taken over their computer system so it was “down” and I could not transact my biz. I’ll try again Tuesday, as Monday is a holiday and they aren’t open on Saturdays. Yay for government work schedules.

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