What color?


Anthropologists have actually studied color names. Here’s what a couple of researchers concluded:

The application of statistical tests to the color naming data of the WCS has established three points: (i) there are clear cross-linguistic statistical tendencies for named color categories to cluster at certain privileged points in perceptual color space; (ii) these privileged points are similar for the unwritten languages of nonindustrialized communities and the written languages of industrialized societies; and (iii) these privileged points tend to lie near, although not always at, those colors named red, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, orange, pink, black, white, and gray in English.

So, what color is this? I say dark fuschia. Or purply pink.And what is it? No-fat Greek yogurt stirred into wild blueberries (slightly microwaved frozen ones), both from TJs.

PS Kevyn was back on the air today.

One comment

  1. mouse's moom says:

    This is a fun enough topic that I should probably blahg about it from my own humble point of view. I’m one of those people who assigns colors to abstract things and concepts. Can’t remember the name for that right now, it’s been in the media a lot in the last couple years. I always tell people I can’t see the color of their aura if they start looking at me funny when I say I do that kind of thing.

    There are a couple things (out of many) that I remember doing with the *real* crayola colors, from the *old* box. One was arrange the “rainbow” colors (red, orange-red, red-orange, orange, etc. etc.) and make designs out of them, can’t describe it any better than that. Then there was something I did with pairing sky blue and silver, carnation pink or mint (?) green with gold. But I can’t exactly remember any more than that.